


Installation eines 32 Bit ODBC Treibers unter Windows 7 / 2008 64bit

On a 64 Bit Windows you need the 32 Bit Drivers!

Prerequist: tnsnames.ora file with the tnsalias to your database system and a sqlnet.ora configuration file. See examples:

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = jupiter)(PORT = 1521))

Please download the following files from Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows (32-bit)


Hint : If you neeed a connection to a Oracle Database 9 you need the drivers!

  1. Please download the zip
  2. Create directory d:\oracle\11_2_client
  3. Unzip the content of the zip files in to this folder (NO SUBFOLDER instant client, all files in one directory)
  4. Create directory d:\oracle\TNS_NAMES
  5. Set the “Runtime Environment” system variable TNS_ADMIN to the Path of the folder d:\oracle\TNS_NAMES (TNS_ADMIN= d:\oracle\TNS_NAMES)
  6. Edit the PATH Variable, add the path d:\oracle\11_2_client to the beginning of the path variable
  7. Copy the attached file tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora to the directory d:\oracle\TNS_NAMES
  8. Open the file tnsnames.ora and check the name/IP Adresse of the DB Server and the service name of the DB, adjust if necessary
  9. Open cmd shell and test with “set” if the variable TNS_ADMIN is set to the directory d:\oracle\TNS_NAMES
  10. Check the path variable, if in the path “d:\oracle\11_2_client “ is defined
  11. Ping the name of the dbserver (or IP Adresse) used in the file tnsnames.ora if the DB server is reachable
  12. With the the CMD Schell, go to the directory d:\oracle\11_2_client and start the “odbc_install.exe” program
  13. Open Explorer and go the directory “c:\windows\syswow64”
  14. Open the ODBC 32 Bit Manager “odbcad32.exe”
  15. Create new System DNS with the Oracle Driver “Oracle in instantclient_11_2„
  16. From TNS SERVICE NAME check carefully that the TNS_ALIAS “ORA_MYDB” is visible over the drop down box “connection “ and select this value (if not the TNS_ADMIN parameter or the file tnsname.ora has a problem!)
  17. Insert Username and password and check the connection
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dba/32bit_odbc_auf_64_bit_windows.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/10/09 10:20 von gpipperr

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