


Die Datumsfelder einer Oracle P6 Primavera Aktivität

P6 8.x 15.x

Data Date

„Data Date“ ist für Primavera das aktuelle Datum vom dem / bis dem bei Berechnungen in der Software die jeweiligen Werte abgleitet werden. Der Fortschritt eines Planes wird relativ zum Data Date eingegeben. Data Date wird auf Projekt Ebene gesetzt und ist damit mit eines der wichtigsten Datumsfelder in Primavera. Da Primavera intern mit Teilen von Stunden arbeitet, ist es sehr wichtig hier immer auch auf die richtige Uhrzeit des Data Dates zu achten, um nicht unangenehme Überraschungen zu erleben!

 Data Date Primavera P6

Die wichtigsten Datumsfelder einer Aktivität nach der CPM Methode

Primavera bildet im Detail die wichtigen Felder der CPM Methode ab.

ES Early start It is the earliest time that an activity can start
EF Early finish It is the earliest time that an activity can finish
LS Late start It is the late time that an activity can start
LF Late finish It is the late time that an activity can finish
D Duration Duration Of activities
F Float The float for an activity is the amount that its duration can slip without causing the project to be delayed

Formel um diese Werte auf einer Aktivität bzw. der folgenden/vorherigen Aktivität zu berechnen:

ES Early start ES=Max(EF(activity before))+1
EF Early finish ES+Duratoin of this activity -1
LS Late start LS=LF-Duratoin+1
LF Late finish LF=Min(LS(activity after))-1
F Float F = LS-ES

Siehe auch Die CPM Methode- Critcal Path Methode

Diese Felder finden sich in der Primavera Datenbank wieder.

Zusätzlich zu diesen Standard Feldern sind folgende Datumsfelder von wichtiger Bedeutung

Planned Date <=> Actual Date

Planned Start

  • The date the activity is scheduled to begin = Early Start if not manually changed

Planned Finish

  • The date the activity is scheduled to be completed = Early Finish if not manually changed

Actual Start - Start

  • The date the activity is started

Actual Finish - Finish

  • The date the activity is finished
  • An A appearing after the Start or Finish value indicates that the value is the Actual Start or Actual Finish
  • An * appearing after the Start or Finish value indicates that there is a Start or Finish constraint on this activity

Remaining Date

Remaining Start

  • The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin
  • Set to the planned start date until the activity begins
  • Once the activity has started, the Remaining Start is equal to the Data Date

Remaining Late Start

  • The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin without delaying the project finish date
  • When the activity is complete, the Remaining Late Start is blank

Remaining Finish

  • The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to finish
  • Before the activity is started, the Remaining Finish is the same as the Planned Finish
  • When the activity is complete, the Remaining Finish is blank

Remaining Late Finish

  • The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the project finish date
  • When the activity is complete, the Remaining Late Start is blank

Analyse der Datumsfelder in der Primavera Datenbank

In der Primavera Datenbank wird die Aktivität über die Tabelle TASK (meist unter dem ADMUSER als Schema Owner) abgebildet:

  task_code	          --      unique within a project	
  ,task_name	          --      Activity name
--Start Dates
  ,act_start_date	    --date	Actual start	
  ,target_start_date	    --date	Planned start date	
  ,early_start_date	    --date	Early start date	
  ,restart_date	            --date	Remaining start	
  ,rem_late_start_date	    --date	Remaining late start date	
  ,late_start_date	    --date	Late start date	
   ,expect_end_date	    --date	Expected finish date, from primary resource	
--Finsh Dates	
  ,act_end_date	          --date	Actual finish	
  ,target_end_date	  --date	Planned finish date	
  ,early_end_date	  --date	Early finish date	
  ,reend_date	          --date	Remaining finish		
  ,late_end_date	  --date	Late finish date	
  ,rem_late_end_date	  --date	Remaining late finish date	
  ,review_end_date	  --date	Activity finish date while activity is proposed complete - when activity is marked completed the review finish date is copied to the actual finish date	
FROM task WHERE task_code LIKE 'C1000XX45'

Wird eine Aktivität geplant sind die Datumsfelder noch alle auf die gleichen Werte gesetzt:

 Oracle Primavera Activität - Datumsfelder bei neu angelegtem Task Übersicht:

Oracle Primavera Aktivität - Verhalten der Datumsfelder bei neu angelegtem Task

Im nächsten Schritt wird Data Date auf den 21.10 um 12:00 in die Mitte der Aktivität gesetzt, die Aktivität mit dem Start Hacken gestartet (damit zum Datum 19.10 8:00) gestartet und als 50 abgearbeitet gesetzt, neu mit F9 gescheduled:

Planned und Actual Start bleiben gleich, die andere Start Dates werden auf Data Date gesetzt (bzw. falls Constraints, Kalender etc. es nicht erlauben auf das nächste mögliche Datum nach Data Date)

 Aktivität gestartet, alles nach Plan, Data Date in der Mitte Übersicht:

Aktivität gestartet, alles nach Plan, Data Date in der Mitte

Am nächsten Tag wird wieder um der Fortschritt erfasst, aber auf der Aktivität gab es Verzögerungen, d.h. der Fertigstellungsgrad bleibt unverändert bei 50% (Data Date auf 22.10 um 12:00), damit verlängert sich die Aktivität um einen Tag. Das Target End Date (Planned finish date) bleibt auf den ursprünglichen Wert ( wird in der Dokumentation oft als „unlink“ geschrieben) und alle anderen End Date rutschen entsprechende unter Berücksichtigung des Kalenders auf der Aktivität auf den nächsten Montag, den 26.10).

Akt Finish (Actual Finish) bleibt aber immer noch leer, da die Aktivität ja noch nicht beendet ist!

Zum Schluss Data Date auf den nächsten Dienstag (27.10) setzen und die Aktivität mit Finish beenden, neu mit F9 schedulen:

 Data Date ein Tag später und mit Finish Aktivität beendet

Übersicht:  Data Date ein Tag später und mit Finish Aktivität beendet

Wieder wird Early Start Date und Late start auf Date Date gesetzt, Actual End Date ist nun auf den echten Wert gesetzt, Early Late Date und Late Finish Date stehen auf Data Date.

Daher zeigt zum Beispiel das Gant Chart jetzt eine Float von 1 Tag an.



Übersicht aus meinen letzten Primavera Advanced Kurs:  Übersicht aus meinen letzten Training

Zusammenfassung der Datenfelder aus der Online Hilfe

Primavera Date Fields

Start For started activities, the Actual Start date. For not started activities, set to the Project Planned Start date until the project is scheduled. When scheduled, set to the Remaining Early Start date.

Finish For completed activities, the Actual Finish date. For not started and in progress activities, set to the Planned Finish date if the project has not been scheduled. When scheduled, set to the Remaining Early Finish date.

Actual Start The date on which the activity is actually started.

Actual Finish The date on which the activity is actually finished.

Early Start The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin. This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. The Early Start equals the Remaining Start unless you preserve the scheduled early dates during leveling. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Early Finish The earliest possible date the activity can finish. This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. The Early Finish equals the Remaining Finish unless you preserve the scheduled early dates during leveling. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Late Start The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin without delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. The Late Start equals the Remaining Late Start unless you preserve the scheduled late dates during leveling. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Late Finish The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. The Late Finish equals the Remaining Late Finish unless you preserve the scheduled late dates during leveling. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Project Planned Start For an activity that has not started, the date the activity is scheduled to begin. This date is set equal to the early start date by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler once you apply an Actual Start date.

Planned Finish For an activity that has not started, the date the activity is scheduled to finish. This date is set equal to the early finish date by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the user. This date is not changed by the project scheduler once you apply an Actual Finish date.

Anticipated Start The expected start date of the project, EPS node, or WBS level, used during the planning phase. This date is manually entered and is not affected by scheduling. An anticipated start date cannot be entered at the activity level.

Anticipated Finish The expected finish date of the project, EPS node, or WBS level, used during the planning phase. This date is manually entered and is not affected by scheduling. An anticipated finish date cannot be entered at the activity level.

Remaining Start The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin. This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, the Remaining Start is the same as the Project Planned Start. Once the activity has started, the Remaining Start is equal to the Data Date. When the activity is complete, the Remaining Start is blank.

Remaining Finish The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to finish. This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, the Remaining Finish is the same as the Planned Finish. When the activity is complete, the Remaining Finish is blank.

Remaining Late Start The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin without delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. When the activity is complete, the Remaining Late Start is blank.

Remaining Late Finish The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. When the activity is complete, the Remaining Late Finish is blank.

Expected Finish The date the activity is expected to finish, according to the primary resource. Typically, the primary resource enters this date. When scheduling your projects, you can choose to use the Expected Finish dates or not.

Constraint Date The constraint date for the activity is the date for which the activity's constraint applies. You can enter a primary and secondary constraint. Depending on the constraint type, this date could be a start date or a finish date. For example, if the constraint is a Finish On constraint, the constraint date is the date on which the activity must finish. If the activity does not have a constraint, this field will be empty.

Suspend Date The date on which an activity’s progress was, or is planned to be, suspended. The activity must have an actual start date before you can enter a suspend date. The amount of time an activity’s progress is suspended is considered non-worktime based on activity and resource calendar definitions. You can only enter a suspend date on Task Dependent and Resource Dependent activities. When you enter a suspend date, the activity is suspended at the beginning of the specified day.

Resume Date The date on which an activity’s progress was, or is planned to be, resumed. When you enter a resume date, the activity is resumed at the beginning of the specified day.

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prod/oracle_primavera_dates.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/10/17 19:16 von gpipperr

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